An official diagnosis…

May 29, 2024

It’s official! I’ve got ADHD and definite traits of autism. Fuck. I mean… Good. Fine. I’m over it. Am I though? I am, I think, at peace with the ADHD. Hell… I made a show about it last year and have experienced great joy, love, and friendship connecting with people who are also neurodivergent. Accepting

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Bursting into the academic world again

May 13, 2024

It’s official… I’m a masochist… I have just begun another 1-2 year launch into academia, in the form of a professional MA in Voice Studies at the Voice Study Centre. Why would I subject myself to this sort of intense intellectual wankery? Haven’t I spent enough of my life being pissed off by the hugely

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Another reason I probably won’t cut my hair

April 29, 2024

A thing just happened to me that hasn’t happened in a while… … a thing that I quite appreciate happens to me… … a thing that is welcomingly jarring… I was misgendered. As a short man with long hair, this happens every so often. Someone (almost always a male, I hazard to say), approaches me

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Perhaps we see your soul through your body

November 1, 2023

Yesterday, in class, Gaulier did an exercise that I tend to think of as one of his “Philippe creates a Moment of Theatre”/”master puppeteer directing” exercises. This is a moment I’ve seen him create in class now many times. It usually goes like this… A student is on stage doing an exercise or a piece

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Broken people can help fix broken people

September 7, 2023

The other day, I was talking to my dad when I was having a moment of intense self-criticism about some basic life-admin thing I’d failed to do. He reflected back about the show I have just finished doing at the Edinburgh Fringe “Alex Owen-Hill Asks Himself ‘Is It ADHD?’” “You created such a loving environment

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The ups and downs of an Extended Fringe Run

August 20, 2023

As I write this, I’m in a coffee shop… which I have been spending a lot of time in them this past couple of weeks. It’s the 20th of August 2023 and we are 2/3 of the way through the Edinburgh Fringe. It’s the first year I’m doing a solo show (at 11:15pm each night)

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